Welcome to the 52nd Annual
Environmental Education Council of Ohio
April 4-7, 2019
at Mohican State Park Lodge
CEUs and College Credit Available!
Many thanks to our Conference Sponsors, which include:

Sponsorship and Vendor Opportunities: If you would like to sponsor this conference, a scholarship or be a vendor for the conference please contact Brenda at 740-215-3376
The EECO room block -ROOMS STILL AVAILABLE!! Lodging Information -Mohican State Park Lodge
3116 OH-3, Londonville, OH 44842 ; Reservations - (419) 938-5411
Ask for the “EECO Conference” room rate.
Room Rates for Queen, King and Bunk: $115.00 per Night Per Room- Lodging is not included in the conference registration fee.
Conference strands include:
Stewardship, Conservation and Responsibility
STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), Outdoor Learning, & Careers
Adventure and Outdoor Skills
Full Conference Registration includes five meals, snacks, registration items, sessions, exhibits and conference keynotes.
Conference highlights include:
Thursday, April 4, 2019 - 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Ohio Student Wildlife Research Symposium - Separate Registration through EECO for this program.
Join high school students and teachers from around Ohio as they present their wildlife and habitat research projects in this second annual research symposium for high school students. $35 for adults, $25 for students, includes lunch.
Friday Night Speaker: Why did it take 12 years for Pleasant Hill Lake Park to open after the dam was completed? Why did two villages around the lake disappear from the face of the earth? Whatever happened to the park’s airfields?
These questions and more are answered in the speaker's program based on his book, “Pleasant Hill Lake Park, Making Memories, 1938-2018 and Beyond.” The speaker/author, Louis Andres, retired from ODNR after 33 years of service, served as park managers of Malabar Farm and Mohican State Parks until his retirement in 2013. A book, co-authored by Louis Andres and retired journalist Irv Oslin, is described as a casual history in a scrapbook format, the book commemorates the 80th anniversary of the completion of Pleasant Hill Dam in 1938. The book is a collection of photos, newspaper clippings, MWCD archives, and accounts from local historians, neighbors, and people who worked — and even lived — in the park. Copies of the book will be available for $10 each at a book signing after the program. Louis Andres will have copies of the book will be available for sale ($10 each) with the author personally signing the books.
EECO Kids Conference 2019 - Schedule to be announced soon
While you are attending EECO conference sessions, your child/children can, too! EECO is offering a Mini Conference for kids! Kids will LEARN about Environmental Education and gain an appreciation for nature and environmental stewardship. Like our adult attendees, they will CONNECT with new friends in a positive and supportive setting. This is a fabulous opportunity to enjoy the conference and begin a family tradition for your children to GROW into our future EECO Leaders, all while enjoying the amenities of the state park! Ages 6 and up are welcome! A $10 fee per child will be charged at registration. Lunch is not provided. Children’s meal tickets will be available at the registration table.
Saturday Lunch Keynote: Britt Ahart, Star of the History Channel Reality Show, Alone
Ohio Native, accountant, and true adventurer, Britt Ahart, has been a participant on two seasons of the TV show, Alone. Through these experiences he has spent months surviving in the wilderness with nothing but the contents of a small backpack. During this interactive talk Britt will lead discussion and answer questions about his experiences. Bring your questions and curiosity to hear about the adventures of a lifetime!
Visit https://www.history.com/shows/alone for more information on Britt and the Alone show.
- Educational field trips to OSU Mansfield Ecolab and Microfarm, Camp Nuhop, and Sunday the Mohican Discovery Forest Tour.
- Graduate credit is available through Ashland University.
Please join us for a fun, hands-on, and outstanding professional development opportunity!
Early Bird Registration ends March 18th. Online Registration ends April 1.
Scroll down to the bottom left of this web page and click the registration button to register online.
Download the Full Conference Registration Packet here. You'll need to review this before you register online in order to pick your sessions and appropriate registration type.
We hope you find this conference to be an exciting and beneficial professional development opportunity.
If you have any questions about the program, the registration process, or any other topics or issues, please contact Brenda Metcalf, EECO Executive Director, at 740-653-2649 or director@eeco-online.org.
You can also contact Amanda Kriner, Conference Chair, at
419-884-3764 or akriner@richlandcountyoh.us for assistance.
We look forward to seeing you at Mohican State park!