Project WET Sampler Guide Learning Sessions
Who: Formal/Non-formal educators, SWCD Educators, Park Naturalist, Health Districts?
What: 3-hour learning sessions using the Project WET Sampler Guide. The guide has 7 Interdisciplinary and Supplemental (e.g., science, health, math, and art) activities to learn about then use teaching your audience.
Where: Virtually using Microsoft Teams (links will be emailed)
When: April 20 (7-8p), and 27 (6:30-8:30p), May 4 (6-7p), and 11 (4:30-6:30p)
Each participant will need to register with dennis.clement@epa.ohio.gov no later than 5p on April 6, 2021. Each participant will be mailed 1 copy of the Project WET Sampler Guide to have for planning and peer teaching.
April 20 and May 4, we will cover Project WET Online Resources/Sampler (discoverwater.org), The Ohio Environmental Education Fund and Environmental Education Council of Ohio.
April 27 and May 11 are dedicated peer teaching hours, additional resources, and follow-up to everything covered during the learning sessions. It’s HIGHLY recommended to register in twos so each team can work together peer teaching. Register with someone from your own school or maybe an adjoining school district, park or SWCD. Sessions are limited to 12 participants. A detailed agenda will be sent to each participant with the Microsoft link to join each session.
When registering, please list the address where you want your book mailed to:
School District or Organization
City and Zip
The sampler guide, mailing costs and learning sessions are being provided by the Ohio EPA, Office of Environmental Education free of charge.