Winter Snow – Creative Ways to Teach STEAM
EECO Winter CONFERENCE January 31 & February 1st
The “Winter Snow CONFERENCE,” will be held at the fabulous NEW Nuhop Hemlock Campus located at: 5370 Bunkerhill North Rd, Butler, OH 44822
Lodging at Camp Nuhop is included with Full Conference Registration. The accommodations are bunk rooms. If you need a private room you can reserve a room at Mohican State Park Lodge which is over the hill from Camp Nuhop. Rooms at Mohican are not included in conference registration.
We are excited to offer for the first time with this conference a Facilitator Training for Project WILD. Please note that if you sign up for the facilitator training that particular part of the conference starts on Friday, January 31st at 12:30pm. The Agenda for the Project WILD Facilitator Workshop can be found here
Presentation topics are diverse and if possible, relate to winter, but will relate to one of the following: STEM, Arts, Environmental Literacy, 21st Century Skills or Careers and the Environment. We encourage sessions to include ways of getting students reconnected to nature, interested in Environmental Careers, or that use the outdoors as a teaching tool.
Download the current Winter Snow- Creative Ways to Teach STEM in Winter conference information and session descriptions here.
Environmental Education Council of Ohio | P.O. Box 1004 | Lancaster, Ohio 43130-1004 | Office: 740-653-2649 | Cell: 740-215-3376 |