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Teacher Worskhop Series
Join other like-minded, formal educators in the Montgomery County area for an evening in the park, just for teachers. We will explore new ways to connect your lessons with nature and showcase resources available in the community to help support what you do!
Healthy Water Healthy People: Jan. 11, 9 AM to 3 PM, Cox Arboretum MetroPark's Fifth/Third Room. Graduate credit eligible. This workshop will introduce classroom teachers to the Healthy Water, Healthy People curricula guide, help educators become comfortable teaching outdoors, and demonstrate how to utilize Five Rivers MetroParks' resources to make your curriculum come alive for students! Graduate credit (0.5) is available through Wright State University if attending this workshop. No written project required. Register online.
Project WILD and Project WILD Aquatic Workshop: Jan. 12, 9 AM to 5 PM, Cox Arboretum MetroPark's Fifth/Third Room. Graduate credit eligible. This workshop will certify classroom teachers in the nationally recognized Project Wild curricula and allow teachers to take an in-depth look at inquiry-based learning through Inquiry Adventures. Participants will take home both the Project Wild and Aquatic guides, as well as field guides and other classroom resources, and gain access to MetroPark's Inquiry Adventures Kits: Tubs filled with a variety of outdoor scientific instrumentation for classroom use. Lunch is provided and Project WILD materials are provided free of charge by the ODNR Division of Wildlife. Graduate credit (0.5) is available through Wright State University. Participants can also earn 6 Ohio Approved hours through OCCRRA. No written project required. Register online.